Local Youth Pastors: No Competition

Today I went to the local Friendly’s with other local youth pastors for our monthly meeting. In this meeting we joked around, talked about the universal struggle for volunteers, and problem solved specific issues in our ministries. One guy has had a recent influx of Junior Highers, bumping his numbers from 20 to almost 60! While this is a blessing, it has also left him seeking more leaders for this ministry.  We gave him some of our ideas on how to approach volunteer recruiting.

As I left, I thought how these monthly meetings are a blessing. Every month I look forward to meeting with my friends, hearing about their ministries, helping them through struggles, and sharing a common bond of ministry.  Some may see other local pastors as competition, since we are provide the same service: getting students to Jesus.  However, there are MORE THAN ENOUGH students out there lost and without Jesus.  That is why our meetings are so important: so we can help each other reach out and minister to these lost students more effectively.  I thank God for these meetings and cannot wait for next month!

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